Celebrating One Year of e4e

This week marks the one-year anniversary of the eQuipping for eMinistry blog. Every six months I like to publicly acknowledge those who have contributed to this ministry for the past six months.

To my Sovereign Lord, Jesus Christ, for His guidance and direction and for giving me a passion I can pursue to His glory.

To my husband, Mike, for encouraging me to “sow resources for women so they might enhance their ministries through technology.”

To Judy Douglass for encouraging me to be all God has designed me to be.

To the guest authors who have helped post great content for e4e:

To the authors who participated in the Blog Tour.  You can still follow the link to read fifty great articles from Campus Crusade for Christ staff.  I hope everyone had as much fun as I did with the tour!  We’ll be doing this again!

To Lindsey O’Neill for her help with the Global Staff Women’s Reader so visitors to e4e can read a sampling of posts each month. (We just published the September issue.  If you are a Campus Crusade staff woman blogger, please introduce yourself by commenting here.)


Use this link to find the bimonthly appreciation posts and this link to find all guest posts.

4 thoughts on “Celebrating One Year of e4e

    1. Judy, you’re welcome! It’s a privilege and I’m having a lot of fun, too! 😉

      I’m looking forward to seeing more women gaining confidence in using technology, especially for ministry.


  1. Sus, You are doing a great job and I enjoy reading your contributions to all of us. Thanks for your posting our blurb about the Caring Bridge. It continues to be a good thing. Jim is doing well, but of course continues his regular treatments too. I really am thankful for the use of computers for ministry and communication.


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