Eyes and Security Issues for Digital Photos

It’s a potentially great crime-fighting tool for the future: a criminal’s image could be recognized in the mirror of someone’s cornea in a digital photo. After reading a recent article, I thought about security and privacy issues that this new technology raises for missions in the future..

If you’re a missionary who works or travels to areas of the world where security is an issue, you should think about this new development. [Read more…] Continue reading Eyes and Security Issues for Digital Photos

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Best Learning Apps for Your Mobile Devices

Please include attribution to OnlineUniversities.com with this graphic.

Best iOS Apps for Mobile Learning

I thought this infographic from OnlineUniversites.com was very helpful for iOS users. Some of the above apps are also available for Androids. If not, here’s some options for the rest of us that I found with Google search Continue reading “Best Learning Apps for Your Mobile Devices”