5-cent Increase for First-Class Forever Stamp on July 14, 2024

5-cent Increase for First-Class Forever Stamp on July 14, 2024

It’s that time of year again.  Since 2021, the U. S. Postal Service (USPS) has increased postage rates biannually under the Delivering for America plan. This summer, first-class stamps will go up by five cents.

This will be the biggest rate hike so far.

27-Jan-2019 55
29-Aug-2021 58
10-Jul-2022 60
22-Jan-2023 63
9-Jul-2023 66
21-Jan-2024 68
14-Jul-2024 73

The United States Postmaster General, Mr. DeJoy, has a ten-year plan, Delivering for America. He believes his plans will help the Post Office achieve financial stability.

The U. S. Postmaster General promised postage rates would increase by at least two cents twice per year. In July, besides the five-cent increase for first-class, postcards will go from 53 to 56 cents, and additional ounce charges will rise from 24 to 28 cents.

What This Means for You

Gifts and Holiday Shipping

Since Covid, the U. S. Post Office (USPS) has added holiday shipping surcharges to packages. Other carriers charge extra during the holidays, too. Between them all, you will find surcharges from September into February. Check online at Amazon, UPS, FedEx, or others for their different date ranges.

I do most of our gift-sending from March to September. I have more time then and I avoid long lines and surcharges.

Stocking Up

In the past, I’ve done a little pre-buying before each rate increase, but this year we’re buying much more. (I order my stamps online.)

Cutting Back

I prefer to send a printed prayer letter with an attractive stamp. (We’ve received nice comments about these from our financial partners.)

I’ve changed my thinking and my plans.

Two years ago, I began switching some of our prayer letter mailings to MailChimp (if our ministry partners requested an emailed letter).

Earlier this year, I added more names to MailChimp (I checked first to see if this was okay with them). I also started sending postcards instead of first-class greeting cards for some situations.

See my recent post for how I downsized: Managing Your Mailing List.

What You Shouldn’t Do

Don’t fall for deeply discounted stamps online. These scam offers have increased recently. They’re counterfeits. Many are printed outside of the U.S. Your best protection from fake stamps is to buy from USPS or reputable businesses.

Of course, don’t make any decisions out of worry or fear. God supplies your every need. Trust Him and continue sending regular newsletters and thank you notes. Aim for quality and consistent communication to God’s glory.

What will you decide to do?


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