The FBI Advises: Reboot Your Router Now

Push the on / off button on your router to reboot it now. Please do this as a minimum protection. You actually cannot even know if you have the malware, VPNFilter, on your router.

Rebooting your router only partially destroys the malware and also means it’s vulnerable to reinfection. A factory-reset is the only sure-fire way to purge VPNFilter from a router. Continue reading The FBI Advises: Reboot Your Router Now

How to Choose Your Social Media Platforms by Your Audience

Many of your friends, acquaintances, and associates are active on different social media sites. You’ll want to be on social media to make new friends, to minister to others professionally and/or spiritually, and to let your financial partners know you (and your family and ministry) better. This post will help you have a feel for the different platforms and where you might be able to build an online ministry. Continue reading How to Choose Your Social Media Platforms by Your Audience