Facebook: MPD Sharing of Ideas

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Do  you know about the Facebook group, MPD Sharing of Ideas? For several years now, this active group of Campus Crusade for Christ staff have been helping each other with ideas and resources for MPD. Currently, over 1,000 staff are members of this group.

Here are two recent conversations from the group to give you a feel for what your fellow staff are discussing.

MPD Sharing of Ideas #1

David: Watch this TED talk and you may change how you communicate your vision to people. Simon Sinek TED Talk: “How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Melody: Great talk!

Keith: I just watched this. Highly recommended. Translating his business talk into MPD talk, here are some of my ideas.

People don’t join WHAT I do, they join WHY I do it.

The person’s goal is not to support everybody who does WHAT I do, their goal is to join in ministry partnership with people who believe WHAT I believe.

Correlates with the way our brain works. When we communicate from the inside out, beginning with the WHY, we communicate directly to the part of the brain that controls behavior and allow people to rationalize it with the tangible things we say and do. This is where gut decisions come from.

People join in partnership with me, not for my sake, but for themselves. They see how they can fulfill their own need for ministry engagement through partnering with me.

MPD Sharing of Ideas #2

Carrie: So, when other people tell you that your partners have been separated/divorced for nearly a year… how do you go about figuring out which one is still supporting you? And updating contact info? Is there a script for that??

Mike: Wow, that sounds challenging. Pray a lot. Encourage each of them. Be careful not to do or say anything that will make them feel like you’re judging them. Look for opportunities to minister His unconditional love. Who knows, maybe the other spouse will want to become a ministry partner.

Lindsey: That happened to us too. It was a bit of an awkward conversation. I think you can gently ask the question if they both would like to continue to receive newsletters and stay on your team as individuals.

How to Join MPD Sharing of Ideas

This “secret” Facebook group is only for Campus Crusade for Christ staff. (A “secret” Facebook group means no one outside the group can see who is a member and what we’re discussing.) MPD Sharing of Ideas is Angie Bentley’s brainchild; I help her administrate it. Go to the group at MPD Sharing of Ideas and request membership. If you know either Angie or me, Sus Schmitt, we’ll recognize you and admit you. If you don’t know either of us, send an email to me (e4e at cru.org) to request membership and introduce yourself.

This group has been a blessing and a great resource. Won’t you join us?

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