Social Media Help for Cru

Angel 300

Social Media Help for Cru Ministries

Social media is one of the fastest growing platforms in communications.  If you’re wondering how to have more impact for your Cru ministry through these tools, we have help for U. S. ministries through Angel McCurdy, the new social media community manager. It’s increasingly important for ministries to be skilled in social media to remain relevant, so read on to learn about training and resources that Angel is offering.

Angel’s role with Cru includes working on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, Pinterest, Tumblr and Google+ to share, equip, and promote the gospel and Cru’s ministries. In addition to running these social media platforms, Angel also creates training materials and classes to help ministries learn how to use social media.

Social Media Training: October 14th

Next month, Angel will be hosting a social media training at Lake Hart from 2 to 3:30 p.m. on October 14, 2014, covering content strategy across a broad spectrum of social media platforms. When you walk (or click) away from this training you’ll have a content calendar, a social media worksheet, and the knowledge to create a month’s worth of content. Preparing great social media for your ministry or local movement doesn’t have to be a struggle – with a few quick tips and ideas social media can be a simple tool for your ministry. This training is intended for ministry-level users, but all Cru staff are welcome.

Learn more about the training on the StaffWeb. Find out where to meet at Lake Hart or click on the link to watch over Google Air. If you’re busy on the 14th, like me, the training will be recorded. Angel will have a link to the recorded video afterwards. I’ll also add the link to this post. If you’re unable to access the StaffWeb, just return after the 14th to this post for the link to the recorded training.

Angel posts social media tips on the Staff Web and will be posting occasionally on eQuipping for eMinistry as well. She’s formed a social media task force which meets the third Tuesday each month at 2 PM EST.  Recently, the task force developed social media guidelines. Contact Angel dot McCurdy at cru dot org for an invitation to the task force. It’s easy to attend via Google Hangouts.

Welcome to Cru, Angel! Many of us would say you’re heaven sent! 🙂 We’re grateful for your help.

Angel’s Bio: Angel is from Pace, Fla. – a small town near Pensacola – and enjoys crafting, eating sweet treats and laughing at terribly cheesy jokes.

She holds an undergraduate degree in journalism and communications from the University of Florida and a graduate degree in strategic leadership and communication from the University of West Florida. Previously, she worked as a weekly and daily newspaper reporter.

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